
Monday, January 3, 2011


It is thought that superhuman abilities are found exclusively in the realm of fiction. Open up a comic book and you will see unimaginable feats of strength, lasers shot out of eyes, and beings moving faster than light itself. What many do not realize however is that all of us possess tremendous ability but lack the belief to wield it. The source is in our skulls. Our brains have many functions but one function in particular allows us to blur the line between human and superhuman. It is the ability to believe. The inability to use this function is one of the most restricting factors in our lives. We have such a hard time believing, especially in believing just how far our limits lie. Those who can do and those who cannot are separated only by belief.

Once upon a time scientists conducted studies and determined that it is humanly impossible to run a mile in under 4 minutes. That is until Roger Bannister came along and believed he could break this limit and proved science wrong. Since then, that limit has been broken time and again - even by high school students. Bannister's story is an old tale yet we still fail to believe in the simplest of things. We don't believe we can get six pack abs, we don't believe we can stop smoking, we don't even believe we can lose a few pounds. Yet out there are superhumans redefining what we are capable of. We cannot possibly run a marathon, yet in 2006 Dean Karnazes ran 50 marathons, in 50 states, in 50 consecutive days! We are too old and have lost our youthful vigor, yet this past year Lew Hollander completed the Iron Man at age 80! It was his 21st Iron Man event which he began participating in at the ripe age of 59. Anyone, anywhere, anytime can choose to become superhuman and you don't even need to order a shake weight to do it. And if your still wondering, yes we can fly, I'll leave you with the proof...

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